Hurricane season is coming sooner than expected. Investing in backup power is a key component in preparing for emergencies and extreme power conditions. Here is a quick recap of things you should know if you want to be prepared for this season. We also want to make sure that your generator will be up and running for when you need it.
FIRST SCENARIO: You don’t own a FIRMAN yet or just bought one.
- If you are in the search for the right generator, take a look at this blog article:
Keep in mind, Watts = Volts x Amps. Our generators are either 20/30/50 Amps and 120/240V. Choose wisely and do the math to make sure it will give you the power you need. Most households’ appliances are 110V: computers, fridges, televisions, smaller appliances, lights, and electronics. However, dryers, stove and hot water heaters are 240V.
Make sure you know what fuel you want to use as you can’t convert a generator to a different type of fuel (for example, you can’t add natural gas to a dual fuel generator with gas and propane).
- Test the Generator before you actually need it: Unbox it, read the manual, look at the FIRMAN “Unboxing” and “Maintenance” video under each product. Test it to make sure no parts are missing, that it runs smoothly and generates the right amount of power/ Watts.
Call tech Support or email us at info@firmanpowerequipment.com for any doubts or questions.
- Stack up engine oil (usually 10W-30) and fuel (gas, propane tanks). Remember, a 5gal propane tank will last you about 4/6hrs at 50% load on our bigger units and about 8hrs on our smaller inverters.
You can also look at your FIRMAN model number website page to know how long your gas tank will last you on gasoline.
For more fuel efficiency, check out our new Open Frame Inverter: the WH03662OF. It lasts about 24 hours with a 6gal gas tank at 50% load.
- If you are the recent owner of a FIRMAN generator and you are thinking about getting a transfer switch, please plan ahead for the installation. We usually recommend GenerLink or Reliance.
Same thing if you want to hook up your Trifuel to Natural Gas. Make sure you bought the ½ inch hose, and you are aware of the NG specs: Max of 101 000 BTU’s and psi 0.25-0.40. Refer to a plumber for the installation.
- Always follow the maintenance schedule for optimum efficiency of your FIRMAN! Don’t forget to do your first oil change after the first 25 hours and then every 100 hours.
- During Hurricane Season, start your generator every 2 weeks for about 30 minutes. Add gas stabilizer in the gas tank and make sure you shut off the fuel valve when you are done using it so you drain all the gas out of the carburetor and hoses. Please refer to our Blog Article “How to store my FIRMAN” for more details: https://firmanpowerequipment.com/blogs/news/how-to-store-my-firman-generator
SECOND SCENARIO: You have owned a FIRMAN for a little while and have been using it before or stored it for a few months.
- Does your generator start? If needed, please refer to our troubleshooting guide “my generator doesn’t start”:
Most common mistake people make is to leave old gas in the gas tank and in the fuel hoses. If the gas has been sitting in the unit more than 1 month, it has more than likely clogged the carburetor jets or emulsion tube. To solve this, disassemble the carburetor and soak the parts in good fresh gasoline for 1 hour and the thoroughly spray out all orifices of the carburetor with carb cleaner. Contact Tech Support for additional information and technical bulletin on how to take the carb apart. Or look at this video made by our Technician Laramee at the bottom of this article.
After cleaning the carburetor, add gas stabilizer to the gas tank and start your generator every 2 weeks for about 30 minutes. Make sure you shut off the fuel valve when you are done using it, so you drain all the gas out of the carburetor and hoses.
- Does your generator produce power? If your generator runs but doesn’t product power, make sure your breakers are ON (especially on Dual/Tri fuel units). If all the breakers are on, you could have an AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) or ECM (Electronic Control Module) issue.
Both parts could need to be reset and/or replaced. Please contact Tech support as soon as possible so we can order parts for you and get you all set before storm season!
- Stack up engine oil (usually 10W-30) and fuel (gas, propane tanks). Don’t forget to do your oil change after the first 25 hours and then every 100 hours. Follow the maintenance schedule for optimum efficiency of your FIRMAN!
- During Hurricane Season, always start your generator every 2 weeks for about 30 minutes. Add gas stabilizer in the gas tank
If you have any questions, always give us a call at FIRMAN Tech Support. We are available 7 days a week in French, Spanish and English. Be safe and ready!